10th International Strawberry Symposium
Yancheng · China
Yancheng Yidu Jinling Hotel
Address: No. 603 Century Avenue, Yandu District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China
10th International Strawberry Symposium
Yancheng · China
Yancheng Yidu Jinling Hotel
Address: No. 603 Century Avenue, Yandu District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China
2nd Circular
16th-21st March 2025 Yancheng · China
We are pleased to announce the X International Strawberry Symposium (X ISS), which will be held in Yancheng city, China, from March 16-21, 2025, under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) Division Vine and Berry Fruits and Working Group Strawberry Culture and Management. Yancheng is a well-known strawberry growing area and production base in China.
The theme of the symposium is Quality, Germplasm, Brand, Innovation, which highlights mankind's goal for crop products. The symposium, especially its invited lectures and oral presentations, is aimed at providing an effective way to achieve this goal. Our slogan is “Strawberry from coast to plateau”.
The X ISS will provide an international meeting point for researchers, academics, technicians, students, sales representatives and other professionals from the sector, thus widening professional contact and creating new opportunities, including establishing new collaborations. The scientific program will consist of invited lectures, oral presentations and posters, covering all aspects of strawberry science and management. The information on keynote speakers is already online, and more keynote speakers will be invited. Besides, the academic committee will also select 10-20 "selected reports on special topics" speakers, for whom the registration fee will be waived, and the transportation and accommodation fee in China will be covered by the symposium, so please submit the abstracts on time to make sure the committees have enough time for evaluation of the reports. All the participants interested in presenting are invited to submit an abstract online through ROSA (https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=744). Deadline for abstract submission is August 1, 2024, and deadline for full text submission is March 1, 2025.
Besides invited lectures, oral presentations in different sessions and technical visits, the X ISS will also hold exhibitions on strawberry production and research, including an exhibition of strawberry production equipment and technology from major domestic and international strawberry producers. Since China has the largest area of strawberry production, more than a thousand industry practitioners are expected to participate in related activities and we believe it’s a good opportunity for international business promotion. More details about sponsorship and exhibition can be found on the symposium website. You can also enjoy social activities of different variety.
The official X ISS website is available at https://www.ishs.org/symposium/744. All information on abstract and full paper submission, symposium program, registration, hotel bookings and other related information can be easily found by visiting the symposium website. All up-to-date information about the symposium will also be shown here.
The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the Organizing Committee of the X International Strawberry Symposium (X ISS) have the honor and privilege of inviting you to attend this most important event in the strawberry circle on the strawberry research and production!
Dr. Jian Sun
Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Director and Associate Professor of Strawberry Research Section, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Address: Room 303, Xiangshanruiwangfen Jia 12 hao, Haidian, Beijing 100093, P. R. China
E-mail: sjroad@126.com Tel: + 86 10-82598882
Dr. Yuntao Zhang
Co-Convener of 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Convener of the 7th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Chair of ISHS Working Group on Strawberry Culture and Management
Address: Room 303, Xiangshanruiwangfen Jia 12 hao, Haidian, Beijing 100093, P. R. China
E-mail: zhytao1963@126.com
Prof. Mizhen Zhao
Co-Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of Institute of Pomology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS)
Chief Expert of National (Nanjing) Strawberry GenBank and Jiangsu Strawberry Industry Technology System
Address: Zhongling Street No. 50, Nanjing 210014, Jiangsu, P. R. China
E-mail: njzhaomz@163.com
Dr. Jiajun Lei
Co-Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University
Address: Dongling Road No. 120, Shenyang 110866, Liaoning, P. R. China
E-mail: jiajunleisy@163.com
Yuntao Zhang
Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Vice Chairman
Bruno Mezzetti
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Jiajun Lei
Shenyang Agricultural University
Mizhen Zhao
Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Jian Sun
Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Aaron Liston
Anita Sønsteby
Bingbing Li
Boris Duralija
Changhong Qi
Chunying Kang
Dina Shokaeva
Giancarlo Roccuzzo
Giuseppina Caracciolo
Guihua Jiang
Guixia Wang
He Li
Houcheng Zhou
Iraida Amaya
Jiayue Feng
Jing Dong
Jing Wang
Johan Stenberg
Johanna Bac-Molenaar
Jose Federico Sanchez Sevilla
Junke Zhang
Klaus Olbricht
Kota Hidaka
Li Xue
Luca Mazzoni
Maria da Graca Palha
Marie Thérèse Charles
Marina Gambardella
Mohamed Ragab
Nahla Bassil
Natalia Peres
Neringa Rasiukeviciute
Omar Franco Mora
Paul Gauthier
Qin Qiao
Sachiko Isobe
Silvia Sabbadini
Stanley Freeman
Steven J. Knapp
Surendra Dara
Tatsuya Mochizuki
Timo Hytönen
Tom Van Delm
Vance Whitaker
Veronica Obregon
Victoria Rossmary Santacruz Oviedo
Weijian Cai
Xiangming Xu
Xin Zhao
Yasunaga Iwasaki
Yongchao Han
Young Rog Yeoung
Yuji Noguchi
Yushan Qiao
Zhihong Zhang
Zhongchi Liu
Linlin Chang
Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Shuangtao Li
Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
The Scientific Program is a key point connecting academics and professionals of the strawberry sector.
During the 10th International Strawberry Symposium, Official Opening and Closing Ceremonies, conferences of invited lectures and oral presentations as well as technical visits will take place, focused on different strawberry aspects.
The scientific program will have the following general schedule:
March 16th Attendee registration
March 17th Opening Ceremony and Lectures
March 18th Lectures and Field visiting
March 19th Lectures
March 20th Lectures, Closing Ceremony and ISHS business meeting
March 21st Return or Proposed Post- tour (details will be announced later on website)
The scientific program will consist of invited lectures, oral presentations and posters. The Symposium will cover all aspects of strawberry science and management. All the participants interested in presenting either an oral paper or a poster are invited to submit an abstract on the subjects below:
1. Situation of the Sector
2. Genetics and Breeding
3. Wild Germplasm Conservation and Utilization
4. Biotechnology
5. Physiology
6. Production Techniques
7. Plant Nurseries
8. Everbearing production
9. Crop Protection
10. Soil Disinfestation
11. Organic Production
12. Soilless and Cubic Culture
13. Post harvesting
14. Processing
15. Nutrition
16. Industry
17. Quality
18. Others
All abstracts and manuscripts must be submitted through ROSA (Responsive Online System for Acta Horticulturae submission and review) link: https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=744
ISHS online submission procedures:
Acta Horticulturae guidelines: https://www.ishs.org/authors
· Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.
· Abstracts must not exceed 300 words.
· Abstracts must not contain tables, pictures or graphs.
· All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use.
· Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.
· An abstract submission charge is due upon submission of an abstract and applies to the presenting author only. For ISHS Individual members, the abstract submission charge is fully waived.
Those who do not hold a user account with ISHS yet: create an ISHS user account first at https://www.actahort.org/members/newmember?asc=1 . After payment and activation of your user account, you can start your abstract submission.
· Abstracts must always be submitted by the presenting author, using their own personal ISHS user account. Submitting an abstract on behalf of or using the ISHS user account of another author is strictly not permitted.
· Abstracts must be submitted by Aug 1st, 2024, for consideration by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified of provisional acceptance of abstracts by Sep. 1st, 2024.and will also be notified if the abstract has been selected for an oral or poster presentation.
· All oral presenters, including invited and keynote speakers, must submit a manuscript for Acta Horticulturae according to the Acta Horticulturae guidelines (https://www.ishs.org/authors) by March 1ST, 2025. Oral presenters who fail to submit a manuscript for publication in Acta Horticulturae may be refused the floor to present their oral presentation. Authors of posters are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit a manuscript for Acta Horticulturae.
· Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for presentation (both oral/poster) must register for the symposium by Oct 1ST, 2024. Failing to register for the symposium will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the symposium program and your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.
· Failing to present (oral/poster) at the symposium will result in your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.
If you have any questions or concerns about the abstract submission, please contact the Symposium Secretariat.
1. Keynote speech (Untile June 12nd, 2024*):
Bruno Mezzetti
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Topic on strawberry breeding and nursery research
Sonia Osorio
University of Malaga
Topic on strawberry metabolomic and post–harvest research
Peter Melis
Research Centre Hoogstraten (PH)
Sustainable use of resources in strawberry substrate cultivation
Zhongchi Liu
University of Maryland
Molecular mechanisms of fruit initiation and development, lessons from wild strawberries
Chunying Kang
Huazhong Agricultural University
The molecular mechanisms controling plant architecture in woodland strawberry
Bingbing Li
China Agricutlrual University
Topic on strawberry fruit quality research
*: More Keynote speech speakers are being invited, and once the invitation is accepted, the information will be updated on website.
2. Selected speech on special topics
Besides keynote speech, the symposium will also invite around 18 speakers for “Selected speech on special topics”, the speech will be selected from submitted abstracts for oral presentation, according to the 18 different fields (see: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS). Experts submitting outstanding research in each specific field will be invited, for whom the registration fee and part of the expense including transportation fee in China and accommodation fee in symposium hotel will be waived.
So please submit your abstracts on the ROSA system on time, by Aug 1st, 2024, to leave enough time for consideration by the organizing committee!
Two Young Mind Awards for junior scientists will be given:
1. One award for the best oral presentation given by a junior scientist who is in the same time the presenter and first author of the submitted manuscript
2. One award for the best poster presented by a junior scientist who is first author of the work
A special committee, set up by the symposium convener and an ISHS representative, will be responsible for selecting the awardees. Junior scientists to be eligible for this award must be the lead and presenting author of the submission and should be enrolled in a university, college or research institute. He/she can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate (limited to 6 months after finishing the program of study), and with an age limit of 35.(https://www.ishs.org/young-minds-award)
Abstract submission: Aug 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance: Sep. 1st, 2024
Full paper submission: March 1st, 2025
The official language of the Symposium is English. However, simultaneous interpretation between English and Chinese will be available at the Opening and Closing ceremonies. All the other sessions are in English.
Registration fee
Early Bird
(Before Oct 1ST, 2024)
ISHS member
400 USD
500 USD
Non-ISHS member
500 USD
600 USD
280 USD
350 USD
Registration can be made online on the Symposium website. Group registrations made on behalf and paid by one organization will get reduced fees:
- 10 to 30 registrations: 10% discount
- 31 and more: 20% discount
The Registration fees include indirect taxes
Registration fees include
- Documentation
- Acta Horticulturae (online access to the electronic version)
- Coffees and working lunches
- Technical Visits in Yancheng city
- Transportation between the Yancheng Nanyang International Airport/ Yancheng High speed Railway Station and the Symposium venue
- Welcoming Dinner
Student fees include.
- Documentation
- Coffees and working lunches
- Technical Visits in Yancheng city
- Transportation between the Yancheng Nanyang International Airport/ Yancheng High speed Railway Station and the Symposium venue
- Welcoming Dinner
*A copy of the valid student identification from the University or the Research Center must be submitted
Bank Transfer Details:
BENEFICIARY: Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0200007609014446206
OBENEFICIARY BANKERS NAME: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, P.R.China.
ADDRESS: Block A, Nongke Building, No.11 Shuguang Huayuan Zhonglu, Beijing, P.R.China.100097
PHONE No.: +0086-10-82598882
Cancellations before Nov. 1ST, 2024: 50% penalty fare over the total fee. Cancellations after Nov. 1ST, 2024: 100% penalty fares over the total fee.
Free transportation services will be offered from Yencheng Nanyang Airport to the Symposium venue on March 16TH, 2025 and from the Symposium venue to Yancheng Nanyang International Airport/ Yancheng High speed Railway Station on March 21ST, 2025, the attendees should indicate their intended arrival and departure time during registration so that transfer services can be better arranged.
1. Welcoming dinner hosted by the People's Government of Yancheng City
The accommodation is arranged at the Symposium venue(Yancheng Yidu Jinling Hotel, Address: No. 603 Century Avenue, Yandu District, Yancheng City,)
Standard double room: 60 Dollars / 428RMB
Standard single room: 50 Dollars / 360RMB
Deluxe Room for two: 80 Dollars / 558RMB
Single Deluxe Room: 70 Dollars / 490RMB
Yancheng is located in the eastern coastal area of China. It has the largest mudflat wetland on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean and the largest plain forest park on the coast of China. Yancheng has a cultural heritage of over 2000 years and is the only city in China named after "salt". Today, Yancheng has four leading industries: automobiles, steel, new energy, and electronic information. The three-dimensional transportation network has added wings to Yancheng's economic development. The rapid development of the economy has brought prosperity to the people here, and the happiness index of people living and working in peace has been increasing year by year. Yancheng has superior water and land resources, and its air quality has been among the top in various cities in China for many years. Good water, land, and air provide farmers here with innate advantages in growing good strawberries.
After more than 20 years of development, the strawberry industry in Yancheng has formed a complete industrial chain. Yancheng's strawberry technology advantages are outstanding, and a number of high-tech achievements such as the agricultural Internet of Things have been put into use. Farmers who plant strawberries are enjoying the fruits of technological progress. Strawberry industry is an epitome and symbolic symbol of "modern agriculture" in Yancheng. Through the organic combination of strawberry industry and rural space, the integration of local farmers increasing income through nearby agricultural production, continuously improving the living environment of farmers, creating agricultural tourism scenes, and natural ecological environment protection has been realized, and a neew road has been explored for the construction of beautiful countryside.
In 2019, the planting area of strawberries in China had reached 126000 hectares, with a yield of over 3.222 million tons, ranking first in the world in terms of planting area and yield. The booming strawberry industry is helping more and more Chinese farmers realize their vision of a better life. There are 25 species of Fragaria, and 14 species have been found to be naturally distributed in China. The Strawberry Branch of the Chinese Horticultural Society has organized experts to visit various parts of China to investigate the wild strawberry resources. Since the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China listed strawberries in the protection list in 2005, 91 varieties from the United States, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Korea and other countries have applied for protection, the United States Driscolls company, California Larsen Canyon Nursery Company and Italy, Japan, Spain and other countries have come to China to open up new development space.
Yancheng, China is looking forward to hosting the 10th World Strawberry Congress. The Yancheng government and people will provide sufficient support to this congress with the greatest enthusiasm, allowing guests from all sides to fully feel the "charm of Yancheng". We share the same dream, and the development of the strawberry industry helps more people realize the vision of a better life. Let's work together to explore the infinite possibilities of the future. Let's work together for a win-win situation and strive to promote the continuous progress of the global strawberry industry. Yancheng, China looks forward to your arrival! One Strawberry, One World!
Video introduction of Yancheng city is provided on the official website (www.iss2025.org.cn), you may view it by click “About Yancheng” on the homepage.
The official X ISS web site is: https://www.iss2025.org.cn. All information on abstract and full paper submission, symposium program, registration, hotel bookings and other related information can be easily found by visiting the Symposium’s official website. All up-to-date information about the Symposium will also be shown here.
For technical program and abstract and paper submission:
Dr. Shuangtao Li, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
No.12 A Xiangshan Ruiwangfen, Haidian District, Beiing 100093. China
E-mail: lishuangtao90@163.com
For Symposium registration, hotel reservation, airport transportation
Mr. Chuanwen Sun, Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Yandu District, Yancheng City
Yanlong Street, Yandu District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, 224056,China
E-mail: 1586635611@qq.com
Telephone and Fax: (+86) 051588260663
For Symposium sponsorship
Mr. Weijian Cai, Jiangsu Strawberry Association
E-mail: w.j.cai@hotmail.com
Mobile :(+86)18120100300