Dr. Jian Sun
Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Director and Associate Professor of Strawberry Research Section, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Address: Room 303, Xiangshanruiwangfen Jia 12 hao, Haidian, Beijing 100093, P. R. China
E-mail: sjroad@126.com
Tel: + 86 10-82598882
Dr. Yuntao Zhang
Convener of the 7th and Co-Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Chair of ISHS Working Group on Strawberry Culture and Management
Address: Room 303, Xiangshanruiwangfen Jia 12 hao, Haidian, Beijing 100093, P. R. China
E-mail: zhytao1963@126.com
Tel: + 86 10 82598882
Prof. Mizhen Zhao
Co-Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of Institute of Pomology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS)
Chief Expert of National (Nanjing) Strawberry GenBank and Jiangsu Strawberry Industry Technology System
Address: Zhongling Street No. 50, Nanjing 210014, Jiangsu, P. R. China
E-mail: njzhaomz@163.com
Dr. Jiajun Lei
Co-Convener of the 10th International Strawberry Symposium
Professor of College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University
Address: Dongling Road No. 120, Shenyang 110866, Liaoning, P. R. China
E-mail: jiajunleisy@163.com